Kuniko Satonobu Spirig

Dr. Kuniko Satonobu Spirig, living in Geneva Switzerland works as an art historian, film maker and journalist.



Screening info / 映画上映のお知らせ 

Film of Teruko Yokoi/横井照子の映画: “ Teruko Yokoi—Art in the Making  / 横井照子の表現世界

Documentary film – Color – 50 minutes – produced in Switzerland

Director / 監督 : Kuniko Satonobu Spirig /里信邦子スピリグ

Officail site /オフィシャルサイト : https://terukoyokoifilm.com/

This film is a portrait of the Swiss Japanese artist Teruko Yokoi (1924-2020). Born in Japan, Yokoi went to the U.S. to study abstract painting, then she decided to work in Bern, Switzerland. At the age of 95, Kunstmuseum Bern held her retrospective which was a long-held dream of hers. This film shows a determined woman artist and analyses also the fascinating methods of her painting, mixing Japanese techniques and American abstract expressionism.  

画家・横井照子(1924 – 2020)は、抽象絵画を求めアメリカに渡る。その後最終の仕事の場をスイス・ベルンに定めた日本・スイス人画家。2020年、長年夢見てきたベルン美術館での回顧展が開催される。95歳の時である。映画は、様々な困難にもめげず、「画家として生きる」との意志を貫いた1人の女性画家の一生を描く。同時に日本絵画独特の技法とアメリカ抽象表現主義を結びつける横井独自の抽象絵画の世界を見せてくれる。 

Screening plan /上映日程  

今年2024年は横井照子生誕100年の年。また日本-スイス国交樹立160周年記念の年でもある。この二つの国で生き、この二つの国を愛した画家・横井照子の映画はこの記念の年にふさわしいもの。以下のように予定されている映画会にぜひきてください ! 

The year 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of Teruko Yokoi’s birth. It is also the 160th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan. The film about Teruko Yokoi, a painter who lived in and loved these two countries, is appropriate for this anniversary year. Please come to the screenings scheduled as follows!

Screening Date download / 日程をダウンロード

Contact : kunikoss@bluewin.ch  Kuniko Satonobu Spirig 

 Book publishing info / 本出版のお知らせ 

“ Teruko Yokoi—Art in the Making  / 横井照子の表現世界” という映画と同じタイトルの小型の本を、2024年11月末に出版します。出版社は、チューリヒの建築とアートに特化した老舗、Sheidegger&Spiess https://www.scheidegger-spiess.ch/en 



コンタクトは kunikoss@bluewin.ch です。 

“Teruko Yokoi-Art in the Making”, a small book with the same title as the film, will be published at the end of November 2024. The publisher is Scheidegger & Spiess : https://www.scheidegger-spiess.ch/en, a well-established Zurich firm specializing in architecture and art.

I developpe in the book, three “vocabulary of abstraction”: “diamonds” analyzed in the film plus “rectangles” and “spots”.  I hope that by doing so, I may be able to grasp clues to appreciate not only the abstract paintings of Teruko Yokoi, but also other abstract paintings. Looking at them, you will be filled with a feeling of happiness. Twenty-four such beautifully selected works will be on display along with these delightful interpretations. I hope the book will be your little treasure. The price is 29 francs. The language is English and Japanese.

However, publishing a book is expensive and I am now looking for financial supports. I would be grateful for your cooperation.

Contact : kunikoss@bluewin.ch